Ability to customize visible fields in Repository
Artem Sibirko
It's a basic requirement to see the status. It's possible to set priority to this field(which is not helpful) but not the status. Where are the colors of the statuses?
Maria G
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Customize case icons in repository
Ilya Volkov
Ability to show in the repository icons for cases, with the possibility to choose which fields' icons to show rather than predetermined priority/automation
Maria G
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Show status in repository
Julia Lenzen
It would be very helpful if you could see in the repository what the status of each test case is. Currently, only the priority and the automation status are displayed. To see the status of the cases, you have to click on them individually. This is very umständlich.
Tiffany Nickel
Need this, I would love to be able to set custom field icons to be shown.
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
TC status icon visible
When in the test case repository list view, I think it will be useful if I can see immediately (e.g. an icon) that the test case is a draft or an actual
Andrei Nicolaescu
I definitely miss the ability to see the status of a test case!
Alexander Yudin
I agree! It will be really convinient, espeally in case when cases was created for feature updates