Create/Link Defects for existing Test run Results.
Ilya Volkov
Edited by Qase Support
Currently, in test runs - defects can only be created/linked when adding a negative result such as "Failed" by checking the "Add/create defect" checkbox in the 'add result' modal.
If a user fails to check this box during submission of a result, then it is later not possible to create a defect from the failed result. The result will have to be pushed into Retest status and be submitted again.
Problem: Other than the obvious problem of having to submit the result with evidence again by pushing the result to retest and duplication of a result, in situations where a failure needs to be logged at a later time, it is not possible to create/link a defect afterwards.
Ilya Volkov
Hi everyone!
Great news - now you can add a defect to a test that has already been failed, without the need to retest it - if you forgot to add a defect upon initial result submission.
To do so, open your failed result and click "Add defect" as captured on the screenshot below, and proceed with creating a defect as you normally would.
Happy testing!
Mohammed Rahman
This has been a massive pain point would be great to see this get fixed!
Victor Chirinian
Equally as important : Hopefully can do both when building this enhancemnt.
Nicolaescu Andrei
A very needed feature!
Tamara McNelly
Any update on this item? I know this would be a highly coveted feature by our team - along with the ability to link to Jira items without it being during the run.
Cristian Braga
Hello, this feature is very necessary and I would like it to be implemented as soon as possible.
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
Defect linking on Jira without going through test run
Maha Salman
I dont want to rework like first creating defect on jira then creating on QASE and then using custom field to link it. it doesn't fulfills the purpose
there are some issues which i am adding as general . these are not part of any run or plan, so I want to link those to jira from "Defect" module
Jesse Price
When should we expect this improvement? This has been marked as planned for over 2 years now, and it's still very much a pain point for us.
Brittany Hendrix
I 100% support this! This would make cut down on the manual back and forth!
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
Add external integration on a Create defect page
Valerie Litovkina
It is possible to integrate a defect during reporting it under a test run only. It will be good to have this option available on a Create defect page as well (as it is the same function)
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