Test Run: add more Filters
Amine Afendi
A way to filter out muted tests would be great too
Rece Ryan
It would also be really helpful to have a filter based on the number of times a test case has been retested, particularly for larger Test Runs. It could be implemented as a range selector. Things begin to really bleed together without a better way to differentiate what does and doesn't still need tested on subsequent runs.
David Adalid
I really need to filter by parameters, I use them to create different configurations (like, browser) so I can execute all the tests for one specific broser
Peter Huynh
An option to filter by test parameters would be very useful
Ilya Volkov
Also, filter by "Tags" in the runs is needed.
Antonela Diana
An option to filter by test parameters would be very useful
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
Date range filter for test runs
The "Created:" filter for test runs does not have an option to set a specific date range - only After/Before, or More/Less than, or on a specific date.
It will be useful to have an option for a date range filter.
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
Test Runs Filters - Support Modified-Bu,Modified-Time Filters
In side the test run, I can't filter the Test cases upon when they were modified/tested, so it's needed to support Modified Time/Date & Modified-by filters, as those are important to track the team work
Ilya Volkov
Merged in a post:
"Tested By" Filter in Test Run
Brittany Hendrix
I would love to have the ability to filter my test run by the user who has completed the test.
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