Hi, I am trying to use the playwright-qase-reporter by following its readme. Locally, everything seems to went fine, a HTML page shows up with the report, but nothing happens on QASE side. Sure, the project is created, its code and API token informed in playwright.config.ts. QASE shows that the API token I have created has never been used, and no test run is created.
Here is the debug line:
[DEBUG] qase: Config: {"configDir":"C:\\Users\\Guilherme\\dev\\playwright","_mode":"test","_isTestServer":false,"_commandHash":"1933614","debug":true,"testops":{"api":{"token":"OMITTED"},"project":"PL","uploadAttachments":true,"run":{"complete":true},"plan":{},"batch":{}},"frameworkPackage":"@playwright/test","frameworkName":"playwright","reporterName":"playwright-qase-reporter","report":{"connections":{"local":{}}}}
Here is the command I am invoking: npx playwright test login.test.ts
What I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!